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Welcome to Dexter's Laboratory!

protocols and tools for implementing STEAM experiments in the classroom


Science education is an essential component of a learning continuum for all, for active citizenship. Thanks to the scientific approach, human beings have the intellectual tools to become conscious and responsible actors in their relationship with the world and in the transformation of societies.


Within TheDexterLab, the resources created and open to all aim to support schools, teachers and students to develop meaningful and stimulating learning experiences, aiming to develop students' critical thinking and increase their motivation and interest in STEAM subjects. 

Discover contents and tools for your classroom to approach specific STEM topics

As teacher, contents and tools for my classroom in all STEM topics

Perform playful experiments in the classroom, outdoor or at home 

Launch projects to better understand the world and participate to citizen science

inclusive science education

Developing better learning experiences for students also means promoting inclusion. The challenge of equality in STEM education is a crucial issue, as science fields still carry persistent gender stereotypes, not to mention inequalities in access to the resources needed to promote learning by doing practices.

Participating in the emergence of more inclusive and meaningful educational models and environments is therefore a goal of TheDexterLab. By providing students with fun and creative experiences, we hope to increase their willingness to learn, while enhancing their sense of achievement in science. In addition, TheDexterLab is committed to promoting affordable and accessible technologies to promote frugal approaches to students, with less pressure on school budgets.

Image by Kobby Mendez

and concretely?

Image by Rohit Farmer

The production of a compendium of scientific protocols aimed at sustaining and developing experimental STEAM activities within and without the classroom

The development of scientific devices for data collection and analysis, available to all at low cost , modular and reusable in several protocols and beyond, conceived through a Do-It-Yourself approach for being easily replicable at school, within fablabs or at home.

The development of simulation tools, with the aim of stimulating learners' digital programming skills and approaching coding at school.

The creation of additional documentary resources to support teachers, families and those involved in the extracurricular and informal education and the establishment of individual support service offered by the partners.

TheDexterLab project has received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus + programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

EN Co-Funded by the EU_WHITE Outline.png
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